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News and Updates



05/2024:  A series of photos was selected as the Overall Winner of the Non-Professional Series section of the 21st Pollux Awards, given by FotoNostrum in Barcelona, Spain.  Additionally, some photos were also awarded Honorable Mention in the Figure and Nude category of the Non-Professional  Single Image section.    

01/2024: Three photographs received Honorable Mentions in the                     Monochrome Awards, Nude/Amateur category

01/2024:  One photo published in PHOTO (France) magazine.


11/2023: One photograph received an Honorable Mention in the                     Black & White Spider Awards, Sports/Amateur category.

01/2023:  One photo published in PHOTO (France) magazine.


11/2022: One photograph received an Honorable Mention in the                     Black & White Spider Awards, Nude/Amateur category.

01/2022:  One photo published in PHOTO (France) magazine.

05/2021:  One photo given a Merit award in the PhotoShoot: Nude                          2021 competition

04/2021: A 32 page feature published in Model Society magazine,                         no. 13.

11/2020: Two photographs received Honorable Mentions in the                     Black & White Spider Awards, Nude/Amateur category.

07/2020:  One photo published in PHOTO (Francemagazine.

10/2019:  Two photographs received Honorable Mentions in the                      Black & White Spider Awards, Nude/Amateur category.

02/2019:  Three photographs published in Model Society: Elle Beth.

01/2019:  One photograph published in PHOTO (France) magazine.

06/2018:  This website went live.

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